Friday, June 29, 2012


Abbey is invited to a Disney Princess party tomorrow. And although it sounds like all fun and games, I have actually been dreading it. I have learned that my sweet baby girl does not play well with others. In her defense I will say, she is kind and shares for the most part, occasionally she will chase a kid down to hug them, but don’t you dare snatch a toy she is playing with, she will fight to the death! She does well with kids older than her, as I experienced this weekend when we visited family. But kids her age better watch out, not only does she get down, she brings out that little finger and points, neck rolls, and tells them God knows what. And to see the look in her face as she is doing this is priceless! You’d think she is a grown lady. She is something else. I am really hoping that she behaves like a little princess, or that the other girls are just as KRAY KRAY as she is!

****UPDATE**** The party was great. It was only 4 little girls. Each girl was given a Disney Princess dress, Abbey's was Ariel, purse, bubbles wand, and a tent. The girls had a great time drinking tea, hiding in their castles, popping bubbles, and eating cake and ice cream. Abbey did great, she even made friends =]