Saturday, July 9, 2011


So many bad side effects we hear about pregnancy, nausea, hot flashes, bloating, gas, constipation, hemorrhoids, itchy skin, etc. I was lucky not to suffer from these. 
But post-partum, my hair is falling out and I am sooooooooo forgetful, both cases are EXTREME. 
Every time I run my fingers through my hair, brush my hair, wash my hair, sleep, it just falls out. It got to the point to where I thought I may have a disease I wasn't aware of. Totally freaked me out!!!! But all the research on-line and my cousins and friends all tell me it's NORMAL.
Now the forgetfulness, let's just start with, I had planned to type this up on Monday. It's bad people, I forget what day of the week it is, I go downstairs and totally forget what the heck for until I get back to the top of the stairs. I ask people to remind me of things because I know I'm going to forget. Is it really that hard to remember how old you are???? This one I had heard of before, but does it wear off??? I hope so, for my baby's sake.

I'm scared to go anywhere with her by myself, what if I forget her at Marshall's????