Saturday, July 9, 2011


So many bad side effects we hear about pregnancy, nausea, hot flashes, bloating, gas, constipation, hemorrhoids, itchy skin, etc. I was lucky not to suffer from these. 
But post-partum, my hair is falling out and I am sooooooooo forgetful, both cases are EXTREME. 
Every time I run my fingers through my hair, brush my hair, wash my hair, sleep, it just falls out. It got to the point to where I thought I may have a disease I wasn't aware of. Totally freaked me out!!!! But all the research on-line and my cousins and friends all tell me it's NORMAL.
Now the forgetfulness, let's just start with, I had planned to type this up on Monday. It's bad people, I forget what day of the week it is, I go downstairs and totally forget what the heck for until I get back to the top of the stairs. I ask people to remind me of things because I know I'm going to forget. Is it really that hard to remember how old you are???? This one I had heard of before, but does it wear off??? I hope so, for my baby's sake.

I'm scared to go anywhere with her by myself, what if I forget her at Marshall's????

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mother's Day

This year was my first Mother's Day. The hubby gave me a bulb to plant. He didn't know what kind of plant/flower it was. I loved this and anxiously awaited for it tob bloom.
When the leaves sprouted we knew exactly what flower it would be, we just waited out the color. Yesterday we saw that it was yellow. This morning it was this little guy greeting me.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


After much contemplation, I decided to start a blog.  I don't think I have much to say, and lead a pretty boring life by most standards.....but I'm going to see where this takes me.
I wanted to do an advise column as I hapoen to be one that my peers look to for answers.  After all Monica means advisor. But I'm going to be   open for anything.